30 Dec 2008

25 Dec 2008

Frohe Weihnachten

... und einen guten Rutsch.

14 Dec 2008


Thema der vorletzten Bilderwumme Drawing Night war Clowns. Und vorgestern bekam ich endlich mein neues Wacomtablett und hab mich gleich ausgelassen.
Theme of the last Bilderwumme Drawing Night was clowns. And yesterday finally my new wacom arrived, i just tested it.

28 Nov 2008

For the mothers in law

Appropriate for every grandma ("Draw something nice, child") Unfortunately mine has no internet ...

7 Nov 2008

Bruce Willis

Es gab eine Version mit Blut im Gesicht (Bruce ist immer voll Blut), ich hab mich dann aber doch für eine entschärfte Variante entschieden.
There was a version with blood in his face (Bruce is always full of blood), but i decided to take the more innocent layout.

30 Oct 2008

Iggy Pop

Der große Iggy Pop. Vor ein paar Tagen als mein Intro für Die Bilderwumme gezeichnet.
The great Iggy Pop. Drawn a couple of days before as my intro on Die Bilderwumme.

26 Oct 2008


Ich jetzt auch auf der Bilderwumme. Hammerinspiration Tag für Tag von den Großmeistern des Graphikuniversums, quasi den Monsters of blog. Und jeden zweiten Montag im Monat gibt's da auch niemals gesehene, atemberaubende Graphiken von mir.
Now i' m also contributing on the excellent and famous Bilderwumme too. Inspiration day by day from the grandmasters of the grafic-universe, the monsters of blog. And every second monday i' ll post never-seen and breathtaking pieces there.

23 Oct 2008



9 Oct 2008


... nachdem ich mich erfolglos an Edi Wallach probiert habe.

after a unsuccessful attempt with Edi Wallach.

28 Sept 2008

Bob Dylan

Nicht ganz neu, aber ganz frisch aufgearbeitet.
Not quite new, but just replenished.

16 Sept 2008


36-Stundentrip nach Mallorca, tolle Hochzeit gefeiert (nicht meine) und Zeit gefunden für eine schnelle Zeichnung: Paseo Maritimo, Consolat del mar.

36-hours-trip to Mallorca, had a great wedding feast (not mine), anyhow found time to make one quick sketch: Paseo Maritimo,
Consolat del mar.

10 Sept 2008

Am Strand/At the beach

Mit Pinsel, Tinte und viel Sand in den Augen
With brush, ink
and much sand in the eyes

26 Aug 2008


Wir waren eine Woche in Vetulonia (Südtoskana). Der Ort ist tatsächlich über 2500 Jahre alt und ist so schwer mit dem Auto zu erreichen, das sich dort kaum Touristen hinverirren. Trotzdem hat man immer eine Fangemeinde aus Kindern beim Zeichnen. Die Zeichnungen entstanden mit einem Pentel Brushpen und etwas Edding für die schwarzen Flächen.

We visited Vetulonia (south-tuscany) for one week. The village is in fact older than 2500 years! It's so difficult to reach even by car that you don't find any tourists there - anyhow you always have a fan-community of kids while drawing. I used a Pentel brushpen and an Edding for the black areas.

16 Aug 2008

zurück und fleissig gewesen / back and been assiduous

Wunderschöner Urlaub in der Toskana, seeehr heiss und vieeel Kultur (und gutes Essen). Haufenweise Zeichnungen gemacht, hier die Ersten (Massa Marittima, San Gimignano and Portoferraio/Elba).
Awesome holiday in the Tuscany, very hot and much culture (and good food). Made lots of drawings, here are the first (Massa Marittima, San Gimignano and Portoferraio/Elba).

29 Jul 2008

Ferien! Vacancy!

Zwei Wochen der Toscana. Ich werde haufenweise altes Zeug zeichnen: Kirchen, Mauern, Plätze, Landschaften und Küsten. Wird bestimmt furchtbar kitschig ...
Two weeks tuscany. Hope to draw lots of old stuff: churches, walls, places, landscapes and coastlines. Sure it will become very kitschy ...

23 Jul 2008

Da hab ich mir was vorgenommen ...

Ein paar Skizzen für ein neues Vorhaben. Mal sehen ...
Some sketches for a new intention. Let's see ...

13 Jul 2008


9 Jul 2008

Tänzer & Künstler · Dancers & artists

Ein paar Skizzen für mein Projekt "angewandte Fröhlichkeit".

A few sketches for my project "applied happiness".

4 Jul 2008

29 Jun 2008

Zoo Hannover

... überall Kinder und die Tiere halten nicht für 10 sek. still! Da muss man schnell sein - oder mann geht zu den Elefanten, die sind langsam genug:)
... childs everywhere and no animal keeps still for only 10 sec. at least! You must be fast - or you take the elefants, they are slowly enough:)

15 Jun 2008

Kieswerk · gravel plant

Skizziert mit Fineliner an einem der Kiesteiche in Langenhagen, später in Ps koloriert · Sketched with a fineliner at one of the lakes in Langenhagen, colorized later in Ps.

8 Jun 2008

Holiday sketches

... from Venecia and Vrsar. Not really new (but not really old), i just forgot to post them.

25 May 2008

The hat

A flashy hat, a smile and long hair - all you need for a 60th illustration.

19 May 2008

... was hat die Zeit aus uns gemacht...?

It's a caricature of the famous german rockstar and living legend Udo Lindenberg and above it's a line of his brandnew song (It means: "What did the time with us ...")
In the background you can see the also famous hotel Atlantic in Hamburg where he is living now for about 30 years.

(bro' Uwe helped a lot by the amendment of the draft - thanks therefor)

12 May 2008


I think the Frenchmen call their darling like this.

8 May 2008

Digital paintings

Done without special reason (but training). Did i mention that i can't await my new and BIGGER wacom?

25 Apr 2008

American football

I assume that i will never really understand this sport (and i hate the misuse of the word football), but the action is garanteed and the guys are looking sooo cool. Worth to draw them. So here are a few studies.

19 Apr 2008

Steamers and engineers pt.2

Two more sketches of my confidential railway-projekt. Update: I added a colored version.

13 Apr 2008

Steamers and engineers pt.1

I thought about color, but the pictures always lost depth when i started. Probably some pictures want to stay black and white ...
(and maybe i start a second try later)

6 Apr 2008

Cherry blossom

Ok, it's a big knive for cutting some cherry blossoms and she doesn't look overly pleased. At first i wanted to splatter blood all around, but my wife tempered my murderous frenzy and inspired me in drawing something peaceful instead.

30 Mar 2008


Please let me introduce Mr. Hermes Phettberg. He's an austrian talk show host and assistant vicar of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna. It's not really a caricature - he looks like this (I swear)!

24 Mar 2008

Sketches from Italy/Croatia

Not new but i never show them before. I did them rather quickly and added the color later.
(Google Earth fans: the upper one is Malcesine, Lago di garda, the other one is the cathedral of Pag, island of Pag)

14 Mar 2008

Criminal offence?

Seems that these two guys are about to do something criminal.

© All artworks copyright by Joern Frank Gebert