29 Jun 2007

Something critical

I made it a few days ago, after the disappointing G8-Summit. It's the guy from two posts before, i found he was worth to resume.

20 Jun 2007

This is a really difficult post because of his format. I want to be prepared to make a really huge print out of it (someday) so the resolution in original is very high (about 7000 x 2500px and my RAM was annealing)

12 Jun 2007


A few faces, drawn while relaxing in the evening sun at the canal, shaded later with PS

9 Jun 2007

Pirate 2

Obviously inpired by Satzingers last post: Three states of my latest drawing.

2 Jun 2007


I love Piratemovies, exp. the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogie. The third part is out now . Probably the reason for this post.

© All artworks copyright by Joern Frank Gebert