Thema unserer 10. (!) Bilderwumme Drawing Night war retro-scifi. Ich dachte mehr an die Jetsons, aber Lutz hatte so fantastische, inspirierende Star Wars Bücher dabei - also wurde alles anders.
Theme of our 10th (!) Bilderwumme Drawing Night was retro-scifi. Actually i thought in the Jetsons, but Lutz had a few fantastic inspiring Star Wars books - so everything become different.
Subject of the last Official Bilderwumme Drawing Night was barbers.
So here's one without afro ... er ... acrophobia.
Ich bevorzuge momentan ganz klassische analoge Arbeit, das digitale ruht etwas. Die Treppe entstand nach einem Photo von einer Italienreise. (Hinterhof, irgendwo in Massa Marittima) Acryl auf Leinwand, 80 x 60 cm
Currently i prefer classic analog work, the digital is resting a bit. The picture is painted from a photo i made in an italian vacancy, somewhere in a backyard in Massa Marittima. Acryl on canvas, 31 x 24 inch
© All artworks copyright by Joern Frank Gebert